Quick shout out to my hard working leader of our family, Nate. He has been working SO hard lately with his schooling through Palmer Chiropractic. The reason he deserves a shout out is because before Nate started at Chiropractic school, I had NO idea what that entailed. I thought yah sure, just another school, its no big deal. Well the truth is, it is a big deal. Most people think that Chiropractors are just good for "cracking" or "popping" backs. Well the truth is, yes most good chiropractors will find and adjust subluxations: however, throughout their schooling they learn SO MUCH MORE!
FUN FACTS: Did you know that a chiropractor could be you regular physician? Did you know they learn everything regular medical doctors learn at school minus the medicine? The only reason medical doctors schooling is longer is because they have to learn about the pharmaceuticals (aka medicine) where they focus on healing from the outside in, whereas a chiropractor learns how to heal your body from the inside out through specific scientific adjustments.
This might be a different way of thinking for most people. I know it was for me. I didn't think like that before Nate started school. I've learned so much from Nate throughout his schooling and right now he is in his 5th trimester, out of 10 trimesters (halfway done!) I know that growing up I relied on my medical doctor for every single hurt and ache that Ibuprofen didn't cover. However, knowing the things I know now, thanks to my husband, I am thankful for the opportunity to educate myself and know that you can't always trust the medical world. I am NOT saying that all medical doctors are wrong because I TRULY believe there is a time for medical doctors and they have a place our this earth. It becomes a fine line when the medical world is based off of politics and doctors treat you as nobody or use you as a trial run with the newest medicine on the market or treating your unknown condition with a little of this and a little of that "hoping" the poison they are putting in you will heal you. What I am saying is that I hope people educate themselves and please never doubt a chiropractor just because they aren't medical doctors. They know just as much about the human body as a MD. No they don't ONLY study bones. They have to know every single muscle, cell, organ, bone, nerve, vein, disease, etc. just as any other doctor. A lot more goes into chiropractic school than what you think.
Educate yourself :)
Nate I am very proud of you! Thanks for working so hard!
Good luck the next week as you have ALOT on your plate. (Only 5 tests, 3 quizzes, 1 practical, and your first and hardest round of boards) YOU CAN DO IT! :)
Love you,
Thursday, September 4, 2014
I don't know how I would have gotten through my first year teaching without my coworkers. The truth is my "coworkers" are more than just coworkers, a better name for them is friends.
Here is our story!
All of us except Katie were new to Neil Armstrong the same year. We all met at our staff development days. Not knowing anything, we all just sat down at the same table. We started talking small talk that day but we had no idea what our friendship was going to turn into. We all just "clicked" right away. At first we just talked at school but very fast we started hanging out outside of school.
I am very thankful having these girls in my life. There have been several times we've all needed each others love and support. The great thing about having 6 great "coworker/friends" is that we are able to be there for each other EVERY SINGLE DAY! You can usually find all of us in someones room talking, laughing, or crying together. We all have had bumps and obstacles in our lives but with support from each other we have been able to conquer, adapt, and move on together.
Looking ahead...excited to celebrate many upcoming events: Molly having her 3rd baby (Sept) , Steph having her 2nd baby (March), and hopefully Katie and Heidi getting engaged soon! :)
Katie-Steph-Molly-Heidi-Kristin- Thank you for being such great friends! I know I can call you whenever I need something. I appreciate the friendships we have formed and can't wait to see what the future holds! Cheers to many more celebrations, parties, grill-outs, polar plunges, donuts, mani-pedis, races, bachelor draft parties, morning coffees, Mississippi River rides, lunch dates, workouts, and can't forget staff development days! :)
Here is our story!
All of us except Katie were new to Neil Armstrong the same year. We all met at our staff development days. Not knowing anything, we all just sat down at the same table. We started talking small talk that day but we had no idea what our friendship was going to turn into. We all just "clicked" right away. At first we just talked at school but very fast we started hanging out outside of school.
I am very thankful having these girls in my life. There have been several times we've all needed each others love and support. The great thing about having 6 great "coworker/friends" is that we are able to be there for each other EVERY SINGLE DAY! You can usually find all of us in someones room talking, laughing, or crying together. We all have had bumps and obstacles in our lives but with support from each other we have been able to conquer, adapt, and move on together.
Looking ahead...excited to celebrate many upcoming events: Molly having her 3rd baby (Sept) , Steph having her 2nd baby (March), and hopefully Katie and Heidi getting engaged soon! :)
Katie-Steph-Molly-Heidi-Kristin- Thank you for being such great friends! I know I can call you whenever I need something. I appreciate the friendships we have formed and can't wait to see what the future holds! Cheers to many more celebrations, parties, grill-outs, polar plunges, donuts, mani-pedis, races, bachelor draft parties, morning coffees, Mississippi River rides, lunch dates, workouts, and can't forget staff development days! :)
Sabrina got a job...
After finishing a long term sub job in Davenport at Wilson Elementary (where I learned A LOT) I searched all summer for teaching jobs online. I had to a few interviews for some Davenport jobs but never got contacted. As a result, I applied for a special ed job at Neil Armstrong Elementary in Parkview, Iowa. I got a call from their principal to come in for an interview. I was very nervous since I had heard such great things about the North Scott School District. That night after my interview the principal, Curt, called me back and said he thought I would be a good fit for the open 6th grade position. He proceeded to ask me if I could come in for an interview the next day. After working around my schedule I made it to the interview where I met Keith the 5th grade teacher and Dion the 6th grade teacher. After my interview, Curt called me and offered me the job. WOW, I can't describe the feelings I had. I was beyond excited to get my FIRST REAL job offer but deep down I was torn for the fact it was a 6th grade position. (I NEVER THOUGHT IN MY WILDEST DREAMS I WOULD TEACH SIXTH GRADE! NEVER!) After thinking and praying about it, I felt like I had to take a leap of faith and accept this opportunity at a great school. Well, after I accepted the job, I was nervous beyond belief. I didn't even know how to prepare for 6th graders. All my student teaching experience was with K-2. Thank goodness for great support from my mom who was a middle school teacher. She helped calm me down after several sleepless nights worrying about the year ahead.
Fast forward- I put in MANY hours at the school and MANY hours of work at home. However, the good news is...................I survived! Did I LOVE my year??? Not really, only because it was not my desired level and our district has no reading curriculum. But the thing that helped me get through the year was the fact that I had the BEST teaching partner. Dion was a great partner to work with. He was laid back and was willing to put up with my OCD, overplanning, workaholic self. Dion definiely helped make the year great!
Thank you to my mom and Sara for helping me get my room ready :)
The boys
Dion and myself
My first class
Their future looks bright!
The girls
Highlights from my year:
1. LOTS of field trips
2. Got to learn about the Holocaust (and went to Holocaust Museum in Chicago where we listened to a Holocaust survivor)
3. Beefed up on my math skills (crazy how much you from get since 6th grade)
4. I had an AMAZING class. They were a great bunch!
5. Great teaching partner and coworkers :)
*I will always remember my first year teaching!
Thank you to everyone who helped me get through my first year!
Moving again...
And were off AGAIN!
After living in Hampton, Illinois from January 2013 to April 2013 (4 months) we moved back over to the "good" side (sorry Illinois) to IOWA. After doing lots of research and touring many apartment complexes we decided on Kimberly Club Apartments in Davenport. They were reasonable and good enough for us :) Our side kick (Collin- aka: third wheel, tenant, uncle Collin, or Bud) also lives with us in our cozy 2 bedroom apartment. Let me tell ya, its nothing fancy, but it works for us.
I think we'll be living here for awhile... How long, hard to say :) Who knows what the future holds!
After living in Hampton, Illinois from January 2013 to April 2013 (4 months) we moved back over to the "good" side (sorry Illinois) to IOWA. After doing lots of research and touring many apartment complexes we decided on Kimberly Club Apartments in Davenport. They were reasonable and good enough for us :) Our side kick (Collin- aka: third wheel, tenant, uncle Collin, or Bud) also lives with us in our cozy 2 bedroom apartment. Let me tell ya, its nothing fancy, but it works for us.
I think we'll be living here for awhile... How long, hard to say :) Who knows what the future holds!