Since baby's arrive is up to God we stayed in Davenport for Christmas 2015. The original plan was to have my parents, Hunter, Karlee, and Ivy travel to us for Christmas. However, Monday December 21st (my parents anniversary) Ivy had nose surgery (due to the fact she broke and dislocated it several times playing sports and needed it straightened). The surgery was rougher than they originally thought. They even had to take a bone graft from her ribs to support her nose. Since she didn't feel well, her and my mom stayed in Rock Rapids while my dad, Hunter and Karlee traveled 6.5 hours across the state to celebrate Christmas with us.....or so we thought! They arrived in Davenport around 2:00 pm on Thursday the 24th. We relaxed and got ready for church at 4:00 pm. After an awesome church service we went to Walmart to get groceries to make fun snacks and goodies for Christmas day. After literally running through Walmart we went home to open presents and FaceTime with mom and Ivy. We decided to end the night around 11:00 as we were tired and wanted to rest for our fun Christmas day together. Around 7:00 am on Christmas Day, Dad called me from Aunt Kris's house and told me Rock Rapids was expecting a snow storm that night and into Saturday. He thought the best choice was to get on the road to get home safely. (If you know my dad and weather- we just nodded our head and agreed with him) SO ...they came over to open presents from Santa, ate breakfast with us, and I packed them a meal to take on the road. It was a big bummer seeing them leave as we were REALLY looking forward to spending time with them and enjoying Christmas with family. It was hard enough not having mom and Ivy there but now everyone else had to leave. They weren't even here for 24 hours :(. Good news is they arrived home safely and Nate and I enjoyed spending time together watching Home Alone 1, 2, 3, and 4 (AND watching Elf 2 times). We even rearranged the living room and sofas to accommodate our movie marathons :)!
Through the disappointment of not being able to spend time with family on Christmas I believe God had planned everything perfectly as Nate and I have been able to spend SO much amazing quality time together. I feel like we have grow together even closer throughout the past week of being together. I think God wanted Nate and I to relax and spend this time together before our world changes with Baby DeJong. Not to all sappy but I am forever grateful God placed a man like Nate in my life. He treats me amazing, loves me unconditional, and above all else he loves God.
My beautiful sister, Ivy Mae <3 |
Great church service at Heritage with Dad, Karlee, Hunter, me, and Nate |
Our movie set up :) |